

Clinical utility of ozone therapy for musculoskeletal disorders. . 2018 Jul-Sep; 8(3): 103–110.

<Abstract>Oxygen-ozone (O3) therapy serves as an alternative medical technique that increases the oxygen in the body along with the introduction of O3. O3 therapy has finally reached a level where the biological mechanisms of action have been understood, showing that they are in the domain of physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology. Few clinical applications have been reviewed here as well as exemplifying that O3 therapy is particularly useful in musculoskeletal disorders. In the therapeutic range, O3 can be used as a more effective and safe substitute of standard medications. O3 therapy has been used for many years for its ability to inactivate various viruses, cancer, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome but is now making strides in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lumbar facet joint syndrome, subacromial bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis, hip bursitis, shoulder adhesive capsulitis, herniated disc, and temporomandibular joint disorder.


Mechanism of Action 作用のメカニズム

An endogenous cascade is started when beginning the use of O3 therapy. In response, a stress is induced from the biologically active substrates that are released. Because of O3‘s ability to dissolve in the aqueous component of plasma, it can cause this oxidative stress. Hydrogen peroxide and a reactive species (ROS) are formed when O3 reacts with water and polyunsaturated fatty acids. When inhaled, the O3 reacts with polyunsaturated fatty acids that are found in the alveolar lining layer. A mixture of lipid ozonation products (LOP) is also formed simultaneously such as malonlydialdehyde, lipperoxylradicals, hydroperoxides, isoprostanes, 4-hydroxynonenal, and alkenals. The activation of the transcriptional factor mediating nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2) is increases with the moderate oxidative stress caused by O3. The role of NRF2 is to activate the transcription of antioxidant response elements. A variety of antioxidant enzymes attain an increased concentration level upon introduction of antioxidant response elements. Some of the antioxidants include glutathione S-transferase (GST), catalase (CAT), heme oxygenase (HO)-1, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, heat shock proteins and quinone-oxidoreductase. most of these enzymes play a role as free radical scavengers in a range of diseases. Depending on the cell’s redox status and the amount given, O3 and other medical gases such as nitric oxide and carbon monoxide have a twofold effect. O3 overexpresses HO-1 or heat shock proteins (HSPs) of 32 kPa which produces nitric oxide. The expression levels of Hsp70 are upregulated by O3 which is related to HO-1. Therefore, there may be a developing role in therapy of free radical-based diseases. Heme is enzymatically degraded by HO-1 and can be toxic depending on free iron, amount produced, and bilverdin. Biliverdin is a neutralizer of nitrosative and oxidative stress based on the ability to interact with reactive nitrogen species and NO., It was found recently that the heat shock response provided a cytoprotective state during aging, cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and inflammation. Throughout the phylogenetic spectrum, HO isoforms are found to be as regulators of redox homeostasis and dynamic sensors of cellular oxidative stress. Hormesis is a defense mechanism for oxidative insults to multiple organ systems. O3 can have a role in hormesis by regulating the proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects of prostaglandin formation which is of similar nature to nitric oxide.

オゾン療法を開始すると、内因性連鎖反応が始まります。オゾンが血漿中の水構成要素に溶解し、水と高度不飽和脂肪酸反応するとき、過酸化物やROSなどの酸化ストレス性物質が発生します。気管から吸入されると、オゾンは肺胞上皮層で高度不飽和脂肪酸反応します。脂質オゾン化製品LOP)の混合物は、malonlydialdehydeやlipperoxylradicalsヒドロペルオキシド、4hydroxynonenalなどを同時に形成します。そして、nuclear factorerythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2)が介在する転写要因の活性化は、オゾンによって穏やかな酸化ストレスを増加させます。NRF2の役割は、酸化防止反応を活性化させることです。様々な抗酸化酵素は酸化防止反応が発動されると、濃度が高まります。グルタチオンS-transferaseGST)、カタラーゼCAT)、ヘムオキシゲナーゼHO)-1、過酸化物ジスムターゼグルタチオンペルオキシダーゼ熱ショックタンパク質キノン酸化還元酵素含む様々な抗酸化物質は、フリーラジカルを消去する役割を果たします。細胞の酸化還元状態や与えられた量によって、オゾンや一酸化窒素、一酸化炭素のような医療用ガスは2倍の威力を持ちます。オゾンはヘムオキシゲナーゼー1や一酸化窒素を生産する32kPaのヒートショックプロテインを過剰発現させます。ヒートショックプロテイン70の発現レベルは、ヘムオキシゲナーゼHO)-1に関連しているオゾンによって増加します。それ故、フリーラジカルがベースとなっている疾患については治療の役割を果たすかもしれません。ヘムは、ヘムオキシゲナーゼHO)-1によって分解され、遊離鉄や産生される量、ビリベルジンによって有害になり得ます。ビルベリジンは、反応窒素種と一酸化窒素と相互作用をする能力を持ち、ニトロソ化や酸化ストレスを中和します。最近分かったことですが、熱ショック反応は、老化ガン神経変性障害炎症から細胞を保護する役割があります系統発生のスペクトラムを通してヘムオキシゲナーゼアイソフォームが、酸化還元・ホメオスタシスを制御する役割と、細胞の酸化ストレスダイナミックなセンサーであることが発見されました。ホルミシスは、多臓器システムを酸化ストレスの障害から守る防御システムです。一酸化窒素と同様の性質を持つプロスタグランジンを産生することによって炎症を抑える効果を制御し、オゾンはホルミシスの効果を果たしていると思われます。


その他に、なぜオゾンが筋骨格筋障害の組織修復を補助するのか、筋膜の痛み、椎間板ヘルニア、リュウマチ、膝の骨関節炎、股関節滑膜包炎、癒着性肩関節包炎、Carpal tunnel syndrome, 線維筋痛症などとの関連についても書かれています。

